Tuesday, May 3, 2016

I Dare You To Try Oversleeping With Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson Waking You Up

Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson's "Project Rock" released this snooze-button free motivational alarm clock app called "Rock Clock." Complete with amazing alarm tones featuring Johnson himself.

"The Rock" designed this app to help people achieve their long-term goals by motivating them to get out of bed. When you download the app, you set a goal for yourself and choose a date you would like to accomplish it by. But you don't have to set an end date, you can choose the "No end date" option. After that is done you can choose 1 of 25 different alarm tones, many of which feature "The Rock" himself.

I downloaded this app last night and gave it a try. I chose the "Harp Smash" tone, featuring the sounds of Johnson walking up to a harp, smashing it, and saying "Jabroni." You can also chose to wake up at the same time he wakes up, "Rock Time." Every day you get a new video message from "The Rock."

The only downside to this app is that it will only work if leave the app open on your phone with your phone unlocked all night, which I found strange. You hit the "Sleep Mode" button when you are ready to go to bed and set your phone down. My opinion is that the app should be able to operate in the background so that, like an other alarm, you can lock your phone and let it go dark while you sleep. 

Check out the video here for more info: It's called "Rock Clock." It's amazing.

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