Wednesday, June 8, 2016


Great minds think alike! Ivanka Trump is writing her own book about women in the workforce. She talks of how she started her initiative a few years ago: "When I launched my website two years ago I was really convinced that we needed to change the dialogue around women and work." This project is aiming to gain respect for and inspire the women in the workforce. Ivanka states, "If you ask me, there’s nothing more incredible than a woman who’s in charge of her own destiny—and working daily to make her dreams a reality."

Society's standards have progressed beyond belief, but there is still a stigma surrounding women in the business world and those that move up within a company. The #WomenWhoWork movement is about inspiring and empowering women to create the lives they want to live, to not be afraid to aim for the sky and achieve growth.

I wholeheartedly back this movement and what Ivanka Trump is striving to accomplish, afterall I am a woman who works!

Women Who Work: Redefining the Rules for Success is coming out in Spring 2017. 

Visit her website for more information.

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